Satsang and Retreat Center

AWAKE into your TRUE NATURE – free your BEING – with MARTHA GAYATRI

Satsang mit Martha Schraner Gayatri
I am here to explore your being together with you and to uncover the luminous divine CORE – The SILENCE guides you in expressing your true unconditioned being naturally and authentically! – Martha –

AWAKE to your TRUE NATURE Free and unforld your BEING >> in Retreat and in…

online 3 – month-intense-coaching ind your true liberated BEING

Start NOW the SHIFT of your consciousness NOW

Recognize your TRUE BEING – express YOURSELF authentically. This “Inner Training” is exactly focused on you and your topic-specific liberation of your BEING!

12 Points

Discover your specific sticking points! Track down your specific obstacles. It’s about you and your real, true life, with everything that makes you you – about AWAKENING into your TRUE NATURE.

We will perceive the tremendous POWER of the PRESENCE – and its LEADERSHIP.

The instrument of deep REALIZATION and Alignment of Attention is your power. > BE TRUE!

Experiencing TRUST – what does it really mean?

Renounce the past! > Track down mechanisms of suffering and recognize and solve tiresome repetitive patterns and roles.

SELF RESEARCH > Learning to distinguish TRUE SELF and illusionary self. Who/What am I -Process!

You will experience how to recognize your root patterns – and their offshoots as patterns of suffering – and how to release them.

One fact: Your unconscious and conscious deep beliefs shape your life! And now what?

Self-Mastery > Fundamentally Mastering Negativity!

Breath-Yoga – and other simple body exercises for more LIFE-POWER and what the SHIFT of consciousness has to do with it.

Essential detoxification medicine – physical – mental – spiritual – and life nutrition.

You get tasks tailored to you for home! > to be more and more equal to the inner and outer “adversaries” > SELF-Mastery.

“At the low point comes transformation. The darkness cannot swallow the light.”

Martha's Blog

Gib Dich Ganz!


Everything we do half-heartedly leaves us in a pain of incompleteness! For over 25 years writing is still one of my beloved activities.Writing from inner


Coming home!

Now during the Corona time, which forces us to come home – to BE at home – with ourselves – mighty deeper experiences and realizations


Mother-Love Day

  Mother -Love as something INSIDE in YOU-SELF:Mother-love is, when you are first in intimate contact with yourself!Now mother-love can really be LOVE!You are in


Martha's Videos


Do you feel that you want to go deeper in your process of awakening into your TRUE NATURE?

Do you desire support in living your life from a deeper truth of your SELF, experiencing deeper connection and aliveness, and expressing your authentic being spontaneously and liberated?

Are you longing to know your TRUE SELF? Who/What are you really?

If so, then a RETREAT could be just the thing for you!

The RETREAT is a direct interaction of Satsang, Consciousness- and Inner-Coaching for Self-Liberation.

Satsang means being together in truth = Who/What are you? What is your true nature !

Consciousness- and Inner-Coaching leads you to consciously perceive and solve your obstacles, your self-sabotage programs, your resistances and much more about yourself and life.

Liberation means releasing the suffering patterns that prevent you from expressing yourself and your nature naturally.

In a 7- or 14-day intensive retreat as well as in a 3-month intensive coaching I accompany you personally and individually through the unresolved layers of your being to uncover your true and luminous core.

A one-to-one retreat is specifically tailored only for you. Your issues will be seen clearly in the LIGHT of consciousness and the obstructive programs can be released.
Likewise, a retreat in a small group is at the same time an incomparable intensive inner coaching for your life.


Here are a few questions for you, which are exactly suitable for a retreat:

  • Do you have questions about your life and want to clarify them?
  • Are you confronted again and again with painful life issues that call for redemption and healing?
  • Are you dissatisfied with your life, want to change something and see no possibility?
  • Are you searching for the meaning of your life or your purpose and don’t know how and where to start?
  • Are you longing for deeper understanding, deeper connection and more authenticity with yourself and in being with other people and life in general?
  • Do you long to arrive at home in yourself, to experience lasting security, love and guidance?

More about the retreats

The retreats include a multi-layered inner clarification and self-knowledge process, wherein it is about discovering and experiencing your essential divine CORE!

“Great SPIRIT – your TRUE NATURE”.

Who are you? And WHAT are you? And the discernment of the same! In the silent listening and receiving of that which arises in YOU, You-SELF are the LOVING and HEALING BEING for all that is still in separation in YOU.

Or in other words: These days include exploring and experiencing your TRUE NATURE and also an intensive consciousness and inner coaching for each individual.

All obstructive mechanisms of our ego-structure, which often make our everyday life and our relationships so painful and difficult, we will look at in order to release them in the light of CONSCIOUSNESS (=Transcending).

The goal of the retreats is to know, redeem and integrate your life issues through deep anchoring in presence.

In these intensive retreats you will be allowed to make new conscious and clear decisions, and you will acknowledge your choice!

You will get individual hints and simple applications for the recognition of your TRUE NATURE in your further life.

This deep recognition of your TRUE NATURE is the SHIFT!

The retreats take place in our awareness and retreat center in Portugal. In small groups of 2 – 4 participants. Individual retreats or special couple retreats can take place by individual arrangement.

Ask me directly at Tel: +351 91 279 53 43 Or go to “Contact” and write me a message!


Further —
Yes, in the outside we will never find a home and that is a blessing. For in this way we are thrown back to our INNER HOME, which is the only real place of refuge. (Samarpan)

A real transformation process does not happen through good resolutions for tomorrow and for the future. A real and fundamental transformation process happens by descending to the deep bottom of our BEING.
It leads through the depths and abysses of the unconscious, where we are confronted with our inner world of unfinished business in order to free and (transcend) it.

In this retreat we engage more deeply with life.
We engage more deeply with the moment. We go deeper into perception so that what we normally pass over, we can still perceive.
We penetrate the layers and the veils of the superficial, painful, unsatisfying life to arrive deeper in the CORE of our TRUE BEING to BE HERE fully!

HERE is the life alive – fresh – comprehensive – satisfying – sweet – lovely – real – true – binding – AllOne -.
HERE is exactly THAT, what you have been looking for so long. From HERE, doing from BEING is also so fulfilling – so satisfying – so loving – so nurturing – so powerful and gentle – so inspiring – so joyful – and much more.

The miracle of the immediate deep direct perception of our self – of life – frees us from the search – the longing search for more and more – for more depth – more life – more breath – more intensity – more fulfillment.

The intensity is the depth of our TRUE perception of our SELF – SAT – CHIT – ANANDA – SHIFT of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Write me a message!


Meditation means being fully present with what is here right now. This is simple, but not only easy. It is also an invitation to turn our attention away from the activities of the mind > to the still and living presence of Being. THERE we are at home, fulfilled, nourished and at peace with ourselves and everything.

From HERE we allow life to pass through us effortlessly and the essence of our divine nature becomes experiential.
With conversations about what moves us in the depths – With questions and answers from the silence.
Do you know moments of pause and long for them, then the silence calls you, because you are ready!

When: Every Wednesday evening from 19.00 – 20.00 hrs.
(please register briefly, thank you!)

Where: Currently only online “Third eye Meditation


Online Satsang in the meeting room. Conversations in being together in truth on all topics and questions of the participants.

Inquire or sign up under contact.

The following are sample topics:

AWAKE into your TRUE NATURE – FREE and unfold your BEING.
New Paradigm: From Thinking to Being in Daily Life
What does inner peace mean?
Being alone – what does it mean?
Experiencing the essence of fear – freeing your potential within you
Expressing your inner gifts
Relationships > new paradigm
What does self-responsibility mean?
Dealing with feelings and emotions > self-mastery
Finding your life task

Inner Coaching Online 3-6 Months

Decide for the evolutionary quantum leap into your TRUE BEING > your SHIFT of consciousness.

RECOGNIZE and experience your TRUE SELF! BE – WHAT YOU ARE!

This 3-6 -months- Inner-Coaching… is exactly focused on you and your topic-specific liberation of your BEING!

The 12 points:

Crack your special sticking points! It is about you and your real, true life, with everything that makes you.
We will perceive the enormous POWER of BEING TRUE – and its LEADERSHIP.
The instrument of deep immediate REALIZATION and ALIGNMENT as our power. > BEING TRUE!
Experiencing TRUST – what does it really mean?
Renouncing the past! > Detecting suffering mechanisms and recognizing and releasing sorrowful repetition patterns and traumas and roles.
SELF EXPLORATION > Learning to distinguish between the TRUE SELF and the illusionary self. Who/What am I -Process!
You experience, How to recognize your root patterns – and its offshoots as suffering patterns and how to solve them.
Your unconscious and conscious deep beliefs shape your life! And what now?
Self-mastery > Mastering negativity fundamentally!
Breath-Yoga – and other simple body-exercises for more LIFE-POWER. And what the SHIFT of consciousness has to do with it.
Essential detox medicine – physical – mental – and also spiritual – and life nutrition.
You will get tasks tailored to you for home! > to be more and more up to the “adversaries”!

RECOGNIZE and experience your TRUE SELF! BE – WHAT YOU ARE!


Yes, in the outside we will never find a home and that is a blessing. For thus we are thrown back to our INNER HOME, which is the only real refuge. (Samarpan)

A real transformation process does not happen through good resolutions for tomorrow and for the future.

A real and fundamental transformation process happens by descending to the deep bottom of our BEING. It leads through the depths and abysses of the unconscious, where we are confronted with our inner world of unfinished business in order to free and (transcend) it. In this online Inner-Coaching we engage more deeply with life. We engage more deeply with the moment. We go deeper into perception, so that what we normally pass over, we can still perceive. We penetrate the layers and the veils of the superficial, painful, unsatisfying life to arrive deeper in the CORE of our TRUE BEING to BE HERE completely!

HERE is the life alive – fresh – comprehensive – satisfying – sweet – lovely – real – true – binding – AllOne – HERE is exactly THAT, what you have been looking for so long. From HERE also the doing out of the BEING is so fulfilling
– so satisfying – so loving – so nourishing – so powerful and gentle – so inspiring – so joyful
– and much more.

The miracle of the immediate deep direct perception of our self – of life – frees us from the search – the longing search for more and more – for more depth – more life – more breath – more intensity – more fulfillment.

The intensity is the depth of our TRUE perception of our SELF – SAT – CHIT – ANANDA – SHIFT of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Individual Session Inner View

Consciousness and inner coaching for self-liberation and self-development.

By phone, zoom, or at my home.

Come home! – and become who you really are!

Do you have questions about your life and want to clarify them?
Are you confronted again and again with painful life issues that call for redemption and healing?
Do you long for release from the sabotaging patterns and mechanisms in your life to express what your heart is calling for and what you are really here for?
Do you long to arrive at home within yourself in order to experience lasting security and guidance for your life?

By releasing the mechanisms bound to pain and fear, we free ourselves to more consciousness, life force, love and greater integrity.

This freed potential is nothing but pure life force that can be used by LIFE (God), when we are ready, for our true tasks and goals, for what is really important to us.

RECOGNIZE and experience your TRUE SELF! BE – WHAT YOU ARE!

You cannot know the light within you without penetrating the darkness.”

Medicine Wheel Lay

You describe to me your life question or your intention/project and we illuminate your situation in the reading of your medicine wheel.

Unconscious motivations and drives thereby come into consciousness, so that a deep understanding of the matter brings new clarity.
The medicine wheel is the “wheel of conscious manifestation” of life in the higher CONSCIOUSNESS.

In person, by phone or at this time best by Zoom.

Short laying compensation ¼ hr. Euro. 25.- / ½ hr. Compensation Euro 50.- /

Detailed laying >time unlimited, price by arrangement.

Power Animals For Self Knowledge

“Look into the eyes of the cow……👀 become still…..”
For many years I have been involved with POWER ANIMALS and their messages.

Animals are naturally That which they are, and their beauty and grace lies precisely in not knowing who they are. However, there should be exceptions, and that is what touches me especially!
Because more and more often, animals shall also become fully aware of their TRUE NATURE! Yes, you have heard correctly! Fully conscious of their TRUE NATURE! AWAKENED! ENLIGHTENED!

Ramana Maharshi spoke beautifully earlier of an example of a cow that attained self-knowledge, and HE saw that!

And it also happened that through the eyes of a cow the true SELF was revealed to me. – Both cow and man were no longer existent!

The animals as our fellow creatures can convey clear messages to us through their authentic behavior and expression on each of our levels of being. They serve us also as a mirror for our unseen parts, no matter whether gladly or unwillingly seen.

At the same time, they are direct messengers of the SOURCE through their obvious character traits and their way of being. It is only a matter of perceiving this.

In openness and alertness we can recognize the natural and great wisdom and integrity of the animals.
With them we are connected with the living power source of life, with God.
Each animal has several messages to convey, we only have to be ready to receive them.

Quote: man’s ability to communicate is enormous, but most of what he says is unnecessary and wrong. The language of animals is limited, but what they express with it is true and helpful. Any small honesty is better than a big lie. (Leonardo da Vinci)

***I lay for you the power animal cards to your life questions.
Playing with the power animal cards is a game with the wisdom and truth of life.
Each card reflects an aspect of our current consciousness and is at the same time an open door to the knowledge of our TRUE NATURE.
A particular card shows you which gate we can use for this purpose.
Or in other words, the infinite potential of the universal power represented in the power animal cards can be used to awaken the memory of our true God-Nature.

The silent CONSCIOUSNESS is the deeply intimate, infinite space wherein all our questions are held in loving response.
Silent BEING houses the ultimate answer to every question there is.
If you are interested, contact me.
M-artha Ma

*** I lay the power animal cards for you to answer your life questions.
Playing with the power animal cards is a game with the wisdom and truth of life.
Each card reflects an aspect of our current consciousness and is at the same time an open door to the knowledge of our TRUE NATURE.
A particular card shows you which gateway we can use to do this.
Or in other words, the infinite potential of the universal power represented in the power animal cards can be used to awaken the memory of our true God-nature.

The silent CONSCIOUSNESS is the deeply intimate, infinite space wherein all our questions are held in loving response.
Silent BEING houses the ultimate answer to every question there is.
If you are interested, please contact me.
M-artha Ma

POWER ANIMALS give profound answers on all levels of consciousness for all life situations!
Know that the intuitive game with the Power Animal Cards is a profound game with the wisdom and truth of life, and each card drawn shows you inspiring aspects for your present life!
☀️Aber that’s not all – because each card is also an open door – to the realisation of your TRUE NATURE.
A TIER shows you, so to speak, which gate you can use for this. It is a pointer to SELF-KNOWLEDGE!👌
The animals are direct ambassadors of the SOURCE through their behaviour and character traits.
Through them we are connected to the living power source of life.
A profound inspiration and insight for your life! Are you interested


Retreats intensive 7 - 14 days / Short retreats 1-3 days

“Awaken into your TRUE NATURE – Release your suffering patterns – Free and unfold your BEING!”

May 21 – 24 3-Day Pentecost RETREAT – SHIFT of Consciousness – A Dimensional Shift into the POWER of the PRESENCE of your TRUE NATURE! (From Friday evening until Monday afternoon)


Every Wednesday evening from 19:00 to 20:00 ( at the moment only online in the meeting room )
Compensation 8x total Euro 40.-


Satsang on various topics and questions of the participants < Answers from the source of BEING.

1-3 days individual retreats

bookable at any time by prior arrangement

My Book

Small Sample

The Sweetness of Devotion

When there is no better moment than whoever is right now, no matter what, when the addictive tendency to seek the next moment stalls, then there is an imperceptibly gentle slipping into the all-pervasive sweetness. There is nothing better than this incessant sweetness.

Once you’ve tasted the sweetness of being completely here, you won’t want to leave here under any circumstances. This is not a local here. It is like an infinitely gentle, sweet caress of eternity that dissolves every wanting to strive away.

When you are completely absorbed in this single, eternal moment, then the painful rush that has kept you trapped in a simmering unrest for a long, long time comes to an end.

You can do no other than breathe in and breathe out this infinite being here, absorb it with all pores and dissolve in it. This is the sweetness of devotion.
Realizing that there is absolutely nothing to strive for and nothing to get in the next moment and in the future brings about a complete inner transformation.

Without realizing it, we are caught up in a constant busyness that takes us away from the present moment. A psychosomatic unrest, a constant restlessness makes us strive forward to the next moment. We live in a constant hope that in the future our experience of life will improve. We can’t stop, we can’t stand the moment, we can’t stand the way it is. We are unconsciously in a constant state of wanting to get away, while at the same time being caught up in a restless process of waiting for a better experience. We are not able, not willing, to fully surrender to the experience of the moment. Immersing yourself in the essence of an experience would mean really living it.

Meeting an experience in its purity, in its essence, not imposing thoughts and ideas on it, not falsifying it, makes it a truly pure experience. In the other case, there is at best a special mind experience from which the essence of stillness slips.



Dear Martha
I can meet my partner much more calmly now, since I don’t want to change him anymore, which doesn’t work anyway. He also notices this and has become more attentive towards me. He is suddenly more interested in me and wants to find out the secret behind it.
I am now more with myself and do what I think is right. I change myself and don’t have to drag him along, which is good.
Whether we stay together heaven knows, but being authentic is probably the best way to “please” someone.
Thank you Martha, I have understood some things and am still less in the mind!

B.K. Switzerland


Dear Martha Maria
A retreat filled with so much love, clarity, gentleness, and also fun and sensuality was allowed to be. It touched and changed me very much.
The space was also very pleasant, to breathe deeply and become still.
Today I see my feelings as enrichment and can feel them without having to hold them or push them away. I feel freer, more alive and much more in flow with myself.
I am myself and that feels great and there is more to come.

D. B. from Germany


Dear Marthamaria, The most important thing: I was only three days with you, but after a short time I had the feeling that I can trust you totally (100%). Normally I don’t trust anyone so quickly, but with you I just felt that what you say and are is true. I just knew it, because it was something deeper that I felt and that touched me and won’t go away. The contact with you doesn’t just break off, I can feel that. That is because the connection does not come from the earthly, it is something divine and therefore trustworthy and timeless. From the bottom of my heart thankful for everything


Mehr Gästestimmen

Dear Maria
The two days with Maria were fascinating and redeeming at the same time.
I can only recommend Maria as a person, the beautiful surroundings on the Rhine and the energy in the house for a retreat.
I have already done many retreats – this one will definitely stay in my memory for a long time. The reason for this is that Maria accompanies the person the whole time, and does so in a beautiful, non-intrusive way.
So the processes have time and space to grow.
P.S. “Maria, your energy towards animals has left quite an impression on me. I had the feeling that after the retreat I met my cat more authentically and she felt that. I was also able to meet the cows in the pasture this way. There was less separation there (you animal-me human). I wish I could experience this more often.

G.B. from Zurich


Dear Martha

I was trapped in my own world of thoughts about myself and my relationships, trapped by false beliefs and convictions. I had also been deceiving myself for most of my life and isolating myself from my true being.
You helped me to realize this and showed me how to get in touch with the core of my soul.
With your intuitive and spontaneous help I recognized my victimhood, which in self-pity and neediness only looked for love and security on the outside. Without truly loving myself.
I also learned to become the observer and to recognize when the evil bogeyman (ego) wants to make itself important again.

Through the days with you I was able to pierce the surface and initially encountered a great pain of realization and grief.
Physical discomfort also showed up quite strongly. But when the pain was passed, I woke up from the sleep state, the powerlessness and the isolation and I began to feel my innermost, I was allowed to experience an indescribably beautiful feeling. A deep love flowed through me from within, I felt how my soul began to shine. I was allowed to feel who I really am and what prevented me from experiencing this.
I felt the joy of my soul, about the contact that had been made.
Your gentle and sensitive nature and the beautiful space are very pleasant and soothing.
I arrived in deep gratitude and joy in me.

W.S. from Germany


Dear Mary Martha
This one-on-one retreat with you in your home was pure luxury for me. It was a rebirth physically – mentally – and spiritually. I am nourished on all levels and it is in me!!!
The experiences were tailor-made for me and everything revolved around me! You rarely or never experience something like this!
My life before the retreat was a painful through.

each other and today I can see and understand how it came about. What an insight!
So many lights have come on, so many emotions have been cleared and resolved. I am happier than ever before, and I now feel that no one can take this deep happiness away from me.
There is the love that includes myself with all that I have rejected in myself and for which I have condemned myself. My adversities are actually parts of my potential that benefit me. What a relief to feel that.
I feel fully human-divine and unique. I love myself and I know now that I am good enough to do exactly what I was made for.
Infinite thanks Martha Mary for showing me how beautiful, how deep, how fulfilling and worth living life can be if we love it and let it be.

M. T. from Zurich


Dear Maria,
I thank you very much for the loving and confidence-inspiring guidance through the retreat. I felt very comfortable in this beautiful room and the pleasant atmosphere. The conversations went very deep and many things became clear to me. For far too long I have avoided the challenges that presented themselves out of comfort and fear of change and thus remained stuck in my unsatisfactory situation. I now know that my mind kept holding me back from crawling out of my shell.
Since the retreat I have more courage, try to live more mindfully and feel more peace within myself. Thank you again for the consciousness expanding and beautiful retreat.
Best regards

A.N. from Basel


Dear Marthamaria
With pleasure I write you a feedback:
With your loving support, the always pointing to the truth, the working out of the life task and much more, some things could mature in me and be recognized.
Thereby emerged: healing of the abandoned inner child, recognizing the true nature, seeing clearly, being with me and in me in nature, applied distinction between mind-mode and being-mode …
The following lines give a taste of what happened in the retreat:
It is a total arriving, here, a landing, a simply being there.
Simply being, silent joy
Just being
There is nothing other than what is.
Therefore nothing needs to be searched for anywhere.
There is no place, nothing better elsewhere, nothing that still needs to be redeemed,
Nothing that still needs to be checked, that still needs to change to be what I am.
I am always already what is.
I am always what is, no matter what the circumstances are.
Peace within me.
Silent, deep, irrevocable peace.
In gratitude
From my heart



Dear Martha-Maria
Thin-skinned, stressed and rushed I came to you.
Yes, I just wanted to get away, escape, leave everything behind: My job, my family, my children, my husband.
The retreat with you was just perfect for me and I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
With you I felt welcome, taken care of and carried.
With you I found my center.
With you I found vitality and infinite trust in myself and divine guidance.
It feels like coming home.
A wonderful security.
A deep peace within me.
Full of joy.
Full of knowledge.
Full of truth.
Full of confirmation.



Dear Martha Maria

Thank you again for this wonderful retreat! The days with you were balm for my body, mind and soul…after no vacation I was so relaxed, calm and nourished on all levels. In your familiar environment and the pleasant atmosphere I was able to arrive, to be, to open myself and was allowed to experience insights that are priceless for my future life. No way leads past the great silence! Only there is revealed to me what my true life task is.

The alignment to formulate what we felt together for hours with your persistent way to feel again and again and to question whether they are really the right words for what felt…and in the end the miraculous, simple flowing together of exactly the right words…that touched me very much.

No way leads past the great silence! Only there is revealed to me what my true life task is. To formulate the direction to it, to feel what we felt together during hours with your persistent way, to question again and again if it is really the right words for what we felt…and in the end the miraculous, simple flowing together of exactly the right words…that touched me very much.

You are an absolutely authentic and present person and act out of the moment and the situation. You feel exactly what your counterpart needs. You have found your true calling and I have great respect for the way you work.

Knowing you and being able to take home some pearls from your immense knowledge and skills is a huge gift.

My many notes have made me recognize and inspire anew as I read and edit… words, images and experiences as a guide for the time to come; I will have close at hand from now on.

I got a lot of “high quality tools” from you on the way. What I do with it and from it, is now my task and challenge…I’m excited!!!

With a big hug



Dear Martha, Since I have been with you I always feel happy for no reason and full of love and gratitude. I am like on a new level of being that is lighter and wider. I have also become more present and clear. So many things are becoming even clearer to me now! My next steps will open up in front of me because I know what I want to give my life for and that is so much more joyful than just getting through the day and working without knowing WHAT FOR actually. Thank you!

F. S. from Eastern Switzerland


Dear Mary Martha

Thank you! Through you I have easily come out of one of my deepest crises, walking right through it with alert eyes and open perception.
The dam is broken, I feel light and liberated, open and sensitive. Alive – alive!
Through You I have become present in consciousness.
Through you I am released from my trauma.

G.H. from Switzerland


Dear Marta

I thank you for being so patient with me and I never felt judged, although sometimes I had my difficulties. Today I just feel love when I think back to that time. The scales fell from my eyes when I saw how I had lived or wasted my life so far. You never told me what to do or what not to do, you just spread out my situation together with me like a fan, so that the folds of the unconscious became visible, as you say, and I realized what it was all about. In deep gratitude

R.S. from Switzerland


Dear Martha

I was trapped in my own world of thoughts about myself and my relationships, trapped by false beliefs and convictions. I had also been deceiving myself for most of my life and isolating myself from my true nature.
You helped me to realize this and showed me how to get in touch with the core of my soul.
With your intuitive and spontaneous help I recognized my victimhood, which in self-pity and neediness only looked for love and security on the outside. Without truly loving myself.
I also learned to become the observer and to recognize when the evil bogeyman (ego) wants to make itself important again.
Through the days with you I was able to pierce the surface and initially encountered a great pain of realization and grief.
Physical discomfort also showed up quite strongly. But when the pain was passed, I woke up from the sleep state, the powerlessness and the isolation and I began to feel my innermost, I was allowed to experience an indescribably beautiful feeling. A deep love flowed through me from within, I felt how my soul began to shine. I was allowed to feel who I really am and what prevented me from experiencing this.
I felt the joy of my soul, about the contact that had been made.
Your gentle and sensitive nature and the beautiful space are very pleasant and soothing.
I arrived in deep gratitude and joy within me.

W.S. from Germany


Dear Mary Martha

Thank you!
Through you I have easily come out of one of my deepest crises, walking right through it with alert eyes and open perception.
The dam is broken, I feel light and liberated, open and sensitive. Alive – alive!
Through You I have become present in consciousness.
Through you I am released from my trauma.

G.H. from Switzerland


Dear Marta I thank you for being so patient with me and I never felt judged, although sometimes I had my difficulties. Today I just feel love when I think back to that time. The scales fell from my eyes when I saw how I had lived or wasted my life so far. You never told me what to do or what not to do, you just spread out my situation together with me like a fan, so that the folds of the unconscious became visible, as you say, and I realized what it was all about. In deep gratitude

R.S. from Switzerland


Dear Martha

I was trapped in my own world of thoughts about myself and my relationships, trapped by false beliefs and convictions. I had also been deceiving myself for most of my life and isolating myself from my true nature.
You helped me to realize this and showed me how to get in touch with the core of my soul.
With your intuitive and spontaneous help I recognized my victimhood, which in self-pity and neediness only looked for love and security on the outside. Without truly loving myself.
I also learned to become the observer and to recognize when the evil bogeyman (ego) wants to make itself important again.
Through the days with you I was able to pierce the surface and initially encountered a great
pain of realization and grief.

Physical discomfort also showed up quite strongly. But when the pain was passed, I woke up from the sleep state, the powerlessness and the isolation and I began to feel my innermost, I was allowed to experience an indescribably beautiful feeling. A deep love flowed through me from within, I felt how my soul began to shine. I was allowed to feel who I really am and what prevented me from experiencing this.
I felt the joy of my soul, about the contact that had been made.

Your gentle and sensitive nature and the beautiful space are very pleasant and soothing.
I arrived in deep gratitude and joy within me.

W.S. from Germany


Dear Martha

I thank you very much for the wonderful retreat with you. Being on the road with you with everything that moves me and prevents me from really living my life, has shown me so intensely my world of thoughts, my mechanisms and my emotional chaos, produced by myself through my thoughts and headiness.

You were there to show me a world I had almost lost faith in. I tried so hard to control my world with positive and negative thoughts until my whole emotional being could only feel pain, fear and endless sadness. The perception to confidence, trust, divine love and universal power were buried with homemade garbage.



You, Martha have shown me again very close to life, in nature and at home with being still, that this space of divine love and power surrounds us always and at all times. No matter if we live our core or get angry about the world around us. You have shown me that everything that is happening in my life is just right for me. It just depends on what I do with it.

If I drop a beloved object and respond to myself with anger and say to myself “Typical, you can’t even take care” and so feel the pain of self-loathing, then I am stuck in my mechanisms. But if I accept the grief of my self-contempt as part of human existence and feel that there is also a power hidden in it, I can only win.

Thank you very much for the time to be on the road with me.



Good morning dear Martha

Here comes now the feedback, which took place from 3.8. – 8.8.16 at your home.

The retreat started with fear, resistance, with inflated ego. In the first hour the person Katrin (Greek persona = mask) spoke out of me with words,

like: ” I have to test you (Martha) first…., I am suspicious by nature (ouch, what a lie, by nature)…yes, such stuff.

But I was quite open, knowing that even saying crap like that is valuable in a way, because feeling neg. feelings and/or emotions is important and healing when I do NOTHING with it. The way Martha or rather the divine healing works through Martha is absolutely impressive and again and again creates the space where even the most tormenting can be looked at with kindness and openness.

It is clear that a change has taken place in me. I, who was trapped for decades predominantly in the black/white life and mercilessly fought and denied all teachers, gurus and God, I, who created and maintained enemy images. In the middle of the time of the retreat with Martha, there came a moment when we were sitting quietly, when all of a sudden tears and laughter burst out of me at the same time and I said aloud, ” I confess God.” In short, with tremendous effect!!!

Very clear is also this important thing: What was done together with/at/through Martha or was allowed to happen, is what wants to be integrated every day of life in everyday life, that wants to be trained like a muscle in fitness training. So I am challenged and see myself as a child, learning to walk; falling down, getting up, wobbling, crying and continuing to walk. Just keep going with and without resistance. Without past, without future.

Love(s) greetings



About me

My task in life is to support you to directly fathom your true divine being, and from HERE to explore yourself and expose the true core.

This means to question and redeem your sabotaging imprinting mechanisms and the beliefs that have arisen from them.

The way you are by nature is what has been created within you to make your life your most beautiful and powerful expression of yourself and thus to serve you.

The sabotaging mechanisms can be redeemed and thus experienced as a supporting force within ourselves.

You are inherently human-divine and unique. The way you really are is the way you are meant to be! You do not have to be other than how you are. Love yourself and know that you are good enough to do exactly what you were made to do.

Do not be satisfied with less than what you can fully express yourself with and serve the world with in the most beautiful way.

No living being seeks itself and its light, except man.
Animals, plants, stones are simply what they are and they live their destiny naturally.
Only we humans seek our destiny, and because we do not feel that it is already within us, we believe that it is to be found out there.

Man turns in the wrong direction, but life always painfully leads him back to himself. The pain of not finding it out there ultimately leads to conversion, and the beauty of the inner search is that the world as a mirror gives very accurate indications about ourselves and our momentary truth. So the world is also helpful for our self-knowledge.

The destiny of us humans is: To recognize and experience ourselves as THAT, what we already are in truth. It is a recognition of our true God-nature.

I like the amazing simplicity in the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj:
“Do not pretend to be something you are not, do not refuse to BE what you are.”


My Life

From a young age, I felt drawn to explore and learn more about the deeper connections of life.

As a child, I did not want to accept the superficial and superficial way of looking at life as the final truth.

So I saw that in reality people lived and acted out of an inner need, neediness and fear.

I perceived the true feelings and intentions behind people’s masks and felt their hidden pain.

The intense empathy and the wanting to understand the backgrounds led to a turning more and more towards the way within. I wanted to find out what was really true and what was actually hidden behind the appearance of the worldly hustle and bustle.

From childhood to young adulthood, I was confronted again and again with various symptoms of illness that completely defied conventional medical treatments. This was the beginning of a total self-responsible health and holistic care and healing. Today, I am also happy to share my knowledge and experience in this regard.

In a relentless search for untouched truth, I was led to satsang with various wisdom and truth teachers.

With a Zen Master and a Zen Mistress, I learned to live and love ordinary life in an unusual way.
There was an intense exploration of inner stillness in week-long and month-long retreats and immersion in the scriptures of non-duality.

After more than 20 years of spiritual search, it could come to an end here. An inner coming home happened, in the recognition of my true nature and the nature of all things.
This was accompanied by the realization of the necessity of total vigilance with regard to any impulses for action that originate from old destructive patterns of imprinting.

Today I see it as my task, on the one hand, to point out THAT which we are in truth and which IS everything, the immortal God-Nature. On the other hand, for a liberated life we cannot avoid to see through our established ego or imprinting mechanisms and to redeem them, i.e. to surrender them to our true nature.

“Liberation means melting down the false self so that the true self may emerge.”

Martha Maria


Education, further education, fields of interest, knowledge:

  • Training and activity as a preschool and primary music teacher.
  • Foot reflexology – massage and intuitive massage < trainings
  • Naturopathy / Nutrition / Detoxification < Trainings
  • The science of the mind / The laws of life
  • Meditation – Inner contemplation as an elixir of life
  • Spiritual Healing < Training
  • Channeling and medial training and education
  • Hand-face- and body-reading < trainings
  • Aura reading < training
  • Tarot, Numerology, Astrology
  • Aura-Soma < training
  • Color therapy, color puncture < Trainings
  • Free dancing < Dance yourself whole!
  • Roaming through nature
  • Shamanic journeying
  • Coaching trainings and further education
  • The message of the animals – of nature
  • Relative and absolute truth
  • Satsang = Being together in truth
  • Advaita
  • Zen-Koans (= questions that cannot be answered by thinking alone)
    SEE < The miracle of daily LIFE!


Gayatri Mantra:

I received the name Gayatri (from Sanskrit) many years ago from a beloved Indian guru. I particularly like this version (see below) of the Gayatri mantra, the playful way it exudes the sweet, lovely fragrance of divine nectar.

A simple meaning-based translation reads:

God, That Thou art the source of all power
Your rays illuminate the whole world
enlighten also my heart,
so that this too can do
can do your work.

Om shanti


Pictures of the Retreat Center

"The fulfillment of our longing is within us." (Martha Maria)


Gayatri Martha M. Schraner
Satsang und Retreat Center
Ramalhosa, Portugal
00351 91 279 53 43